Offering Second Citizenship, Offshore, Asset Protection and Legal Services  +001.704.489.2491

Bermuda citizenship by investment plans put on hold indefinitely

Bermuda had been quietly investigating the idea of a citizenship by investment program.  That investigation has apparently now been put on hold: One of the interesting questions about a Bermudian...

St. Lucian Economic Citizenship Bill Passes

ST. LUCIA CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT PROGRAM PASSED The Caribbean island nation of St. Lucia by its Senate and House of Assembly. More full details are yet forthcoming. The country, located in the Eastern Caribbean, is the fifth Caribbean nation to institute a citizenship by...

New potential European economic citizenship opportunity

In the news:  a potential economic citizenship offering in Montenegro:      

Vanuatu “Honorary Citizenship”?


A passport that will let you travel through Europe visa free

Dominica has become one of a handful of Caribbean countries whose citizens can now travel throughout the Schengen Area visa free.  Click here for more details.    

International Diversification

Though this blog has focused primarily thus far on the benefits of obtaining a second citizenship or residency, that is just one strategy that can make up part of a much larger plan of international diversification. There is not a lot of good quality information about the...

St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program a possibility

The government of St. Lucia, an island nation in the Caribbean, has for the past year been exploring a potential economic citizenship program, and appears to be seriously considering the same. If approved, St. Lucia’s program would mark the fifth such program in the Caribbean,...

Obtaining Citizenship by a Business Subsidiary

I spoke with a colleague the other day whose business client owned a multi-national concern with warehouses, manufacturing plants and call centers throughout the world. During our discussion, my colleague told me that his client had located an operations unit in a small European...

Having a Backup Plan

History is replete with examples where a country, or the country’s government, would turn on a portion of its citizens. In the most egregious cases (Nazi Germany and Cambodia for example), entire groups of people were singled out for murder and extermination. In other examples...