Offering Second Citizenship, Offshore, Asset Protection and Legal Services  +001.704.489.2491

Price Competition for Citizenship by Investment?

With a number of countries now vying for citizenship by investment candidates, the market may start tilting more in favor of applicants.  A previously threatened increase in Dominica’s citizenship by investment costs failed to materialize.  Recently, Cyprus reduced some of...

St. Lucia launches its first real estate CIP project

First economic citizenship real estate project approved in St. Lucia  

St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Begins

St. Lucia has begun its Citizenship by Investment program effective January 1, 2016:  

St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Details

New details about St. Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Program are starting to emerge.  The Prime Minister of the Country spoke at Arton Capital’s Global Citizen conference recently, and a press release of the details is linked here. Two qualifications intended to...

St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program a possibility

The government of St. Lucia, an island nation in the Caribbean, has for the past year been exploring a potential economic citizenship program, and appears to be seriously considering the same. If approved, St. Lucia’s program would mark the fifth such program in the Caribbean,...